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Employee Health Management and Promotion

We will continue to integrate enterprise resources and promote preventive medicine concepts by combining the medical centerlevel treatment provided by Chang Gung Memorial Hospital with the professional healthcare services provided by Formosa Biomedical Technology Corporation. We will dedicate our efforts towards creating a healthy workplace and atmosphere, in hopes of raising the awareness of employees so that they will manage their own health, which will indirectly improve their work performance.

Health Promotion Activities that Encourage Healthy Lifestyles

  • Held the sixth employee healthy lifestyle challenge in 2022: Considering that the domestic outbreak of COVID-19 is still not fully under control, we encourage employees to exercise at home and continue to accumulate steps walking, avoiding large gatherings.
  • Results of exercise: Rewards for accumulating points for walking: A total of 201 people received awards, on average each person lost 3.87 kg of weight.
  • Weight loss results in the past 3 years are as follows: (Suspended in 2021 due to the pandemic)


COVID-19 prevention in 2022

  • Employees: Employees' temperature is taken when they enter plants, wear masks, temperature is taken in the morning and afternoon, avoid meetings, conference rooms have transparent boards, the control room has a plastic curtain, and epidemic prevention measures when control room personnel and shift workers change shifts (e.g. maintain distance, reduce contact time, etc.).
  • Vendors: Provide a list a personnel and negative rapid test results (or PCR), and are required to have their temperature taken when they enter a plant; avoid gatherings such as meetings for commencement of construction or toolbox meetings, prohibited from entering plants/offices, unless to collect materials or perform repair, business communication is mainly via phone and e-mail, a smoking room and portable toilets for vendors were added, small toolbox meetings are convened on site, and separately communicate and handle the approval process at the construction site. ▪
  • Migrant workers: Must provide negative rapid test results (or PCR), migrant worker epidemic prevention plan, emergency response measures, and required to have their temperature taken when they enter the plant; Managed in areas divided by two lines of access control, so that the same migrant workers are in fixed plants with control over entry and exit.